When you are purchasing a home, you want to ensure that you inspect every aspect, eliminating any surprises that might occur later on down the road. Though it can sometimes seem overwhelming, we are here to help. Here is a buyer’s checklist to help focus on while visiting a property:
- Damage from pests
- Poor construction
- Wet spots on walls or ceilings
- Cracks in the foundation
- Are neighbors’ yards neat and tidy?
- Is there evidence of problem pets?
- Do you have a comfortable level of privacy?
- Is the property on a busy road?
- Is the property next to a retail or commercial space?
- Is the property right next to a train line?
- Are there power lines over the property?
- Is the property close to schools?
- Is the property on a flood plain?
These are just a few considerations to look into when examining a property. If, after inspecting the home and doing your due diligence, you decide the house is the right one for you, we highly recommend enlisting the help of independent property inspectors to lend a professional eye over the property.